The large eMobility Excellence comparison determines the charging service with the most connected charging points in selected EU countries as well as the cheapest charging rate in Germany

The car manufacturers Audi, BMW/MINI, Hyundai, Kia, Mercedes, and Volkswagen offer access to a very large charging network. The charging services from BMW/MINI and Mercedes also perform best in the cost comparison. EnBW’s freely accessible EnBW mobility+ charging service has the largest European and Germany-wide network coverage in this year’s eMobility Excellence comparison. In addition, the freely accessible charging services Elli and CHARGE NOW also impress with a high number of integrated charging points. In the category of freely accessible charging services, the most favorable rate depends very much on user behavior. Overall, the tariffs from BayWa, EWE Go and Lichtblick perform very well in terms of charging costs.

Stuttgart/Munich, June 30, 2023 | N. Waxmann, H. Neumann, L. Hohenlohe, A. Meusel